START-Alumni e.V.

START-Alumni. e.V. (non-profit association) is the network of former scholarship holders of the START-Foundation. Our members are active in various social areas such as social affairs, science, culture, politics and enterpreneurship on a full-time or voluntary basis. #doersunite

getting involved.

Who are we?

We are a non-profit association of young professionals and “doers” who act as mediators between different realities of individuals. Through the multifaceted identities of our members, we represent social diversity. Connecting. Getting involved. supporting. durchmischen. einmischen. aufpushen. #doersunite


20 yearly events





Our values


START-Alumni e.V. stands for tolerance and acceptance towards social, cultural, religious and sexual diversity. Through the different identities in the association, diversity is lived, respected and promoted by our members on all social levels. We understand it as our task to strengthen democracy and not to turn a blind eye to social problems. We strictly reject discrimination of any kind. As START-Alumni e.V. we are committed to international understanding and demand a respectful and conscious interaction with people and nature.



We as START-Alumni e.V. want to mix within society. Our goal is to provide contact opportunities and to enable networking both internally and externally through regional and national meetings.

getting involved.


We want to get involved in the socio-political discourse in our professional and voluntary environment and thus stand up for the free democratic basic order. Through projects, debates and commitment, we want to actively keep society involved.



We want to boost the former and current START scholarship holders in different areas of life. The association promotes the personality development of its members; this is made possible through counselling, workshops and seminars.


By uniting committed “doers” from different areas of society, we shape the future.


Our vivid values are diversity, respect, courage, democracy and openness. We share our knowledge with each other, enable experiences in different fields and inspire. We create spaces for creativity and development. Together, we visibly move society forward.

Denis Gay

Chief Executive Officer

START: 2010-12

I am motivated by meeting different people who, no matter where they come from, manage to achieve something great together.

Klevi Muka

Board for coordination

START: 2016-18

Knowing that we have a network of incredibly talented and supportive doers who are ready to make the world a better place, motivates me to support and empower everyone in our association.

Valeria Struckov

Chief Financial Officer

START: 2007-11

For me, START Alumni e.V. is a network of great and diverse individuals who are thriving for a better future. The question of where one wants to go is more important than the question of where one comes from.

Jaria Bukhari

Board of Directors for Public Relations

START: 2015-18

Through my work in the association, I want to maintain and strengthen the contact with and among the members. In doing so, I want to highlight the special features and skills of our network and the individual members and show how talented and diverse we are.

Gwan Suliman

Member Services Board

START: 2019-22

To enable people to meet like-minded people and to maintain the START network.

Duy Nguyen

Member of the Board of Directors
1. advisory board

START: 2008-11

I believe in the power of community and would like to make my contribution to nurturing, expanding and further developing this community.

Saloua Boulahrouz

Member of the Board of Directors
2. advisory board

START: 2013-16

I see a great potential in our network and association! Different people can create unique projects and many goals can be achieved through networking.

Register with fellows & friends and create an account

ill in all the fields. The membership fee is 40€

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You become a member of the association after an official confirmation via e-mail.

How to become a member

Only former scholarship holders of the non-profit START-Foundation can become members of the START-Alumni Association.

Let's help the helpless. Let's make the world better together.

Werden auch Sie Mitgestalter:in und unterstützten sie die Arbeit des START-Alumni e.V.s. Der START-Alumni. e.V. ist das Netzwerk der ehemaligen Stipendiat:innen der START-Stiftung, die in den verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen wie Soziales, Wissenschaft, Kultur, Politik und Wirtschaft hauptberuflich oder ehrenamtlich aktiv sind. Durch das Vereinen engagierter Macher:innen aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen der Gesellschaft gestalten wir mit ihrer Unterstützung die Zukunft.

Da wir ein gemeinnütziger Verein sind, stellen wir Ihnen ab einer Spendensumme von 200€ eine Spendenbescheinigung aus. Wenden Sie sich bitte dabei an [Mail-Adresse].

Let's help the helpless. Let's make the world better together.